Pro League Signup now open for vets

Salaam Players
Fellas! Hope all is well! I'm excited to open signup TODAY for NMAA Veterans and players from the Fall Pro League. We've missed you guys, and I can't wait to see you in April! Let me share the details, please read carefully. 
Dates (all tentative until UCF confirms sometime in late March)
April 14, 21, 28
May 3, 5th, 12th, 19th, 24th, 26th
Playoffs (Mandatory attendance or you will be suspended 1 season)
June 2, 7th, 9th. 
Please note, we had to condense the schedule to end by June 9th for summer travel so there are THREE Fridays planned. (These Friday dates could change) 
For those who struggle with Fridays, you're being informed 3 months early about it. 
Please check those dates, and if you can guarantee playoffs and miss no more than 1-2 regular season games, you can play. 
Next up, there is a price increase to $145 for the pro league. Our officials have asked for higher pay for 3 seasons, and I can no longer hold them off due to the current market. This increase will also guarantee one team highlight reel and 1-2 player reels for those who happen to ball out during your team recording. 
Signup period - Today January 12th until March 12th. That's 2 months to get the payment in. You have 2 options
  • $25 deposit today to lock your payment in, payoff by March 12th. 
  • Split payment for veterans - Pay $75 by February 7th, rest by March 12th. 
You must pick one of those 2 options to make the player list. Please note - there is a massive waiting list of players, and our demand has never been higher. We are only taking 72 players this season, and we have 30-40 waiting to get in as of right now. 
That should be all the info you need! Email or text me or Dev (easier if it's me) so I can lock your name in and let me know which payment option you choose. Please make sure all payments are sent to me and me only
Check email for Payment information. 
Can't wait fellas!! Lets go!
Omair Zahid
NMAA President